Scotty Bomb's 101 in 1001

Scotty Bomb (of the Bomb Shelter) tries to do 101 things in 1001 days. Come enjoy the mayhem.

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Friday, October 07, 2005

#3 Become a syndicated journalist.

Ever, as a way to pass some time, searched for your own name on Google? Just to see if maybe someone's been posting naked pictures of you on their blog or something? Of course you have, and let me tell you, those pictures of you aren't flattering.

Seriously though, I was surfing on Google today, and decided to look up my name as a lark. Imagine my surprise when two seperate articles of mine popped up... from two different publications than the Gateway!

Here's an article of mine as printed in the Manitoban, and a political cartoon that ran in the Peak.

For the record, the Manitoban is the student newspaper of the University of Manitoba, and the Peak is the paper from Simon Fraser University in BC.

So that would, in fact, make me a syndicated journalist. And thus, #3 on my list is thoroughly defeated.


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