Scotty Bomb's 101 in 1001

Scotty Bomb (of the Bomb Shelter) tries to do 101 things in 1001 days. Come enjoy the mayhem.

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Sunday, January 15, 2006

#85. Book Signing

Now, I'll admit that I got #84 up in December for this one to be completed as well. This past week, George R. R. Martin was in town.

Now I've been all over GRRM's stuff this past year. Reading the first three books of his exciting Songs of Ice and Fire series was on my list as #66, and he's on my list for #84. So when I heard he was coming to town, I made sure I was avaialble.

Wednesday night came. I met Morgoid, and a few Gateway folks at Greenwood's on the south side, and even saw my cousin there. GRRM talked for a bit about writing, answered a few questions, then sat down at did the signing.

I was the second guy in the line! I even managed to sneak in a quick question!

Anyway, he signed by hardcover copy of "A Feast for Crows" and my "A Game of Thrones RPG, Deluxe Limited Edition", so this 101 thing is all wrapped up.