Scotty Bomb's 101 in 1001

Scotty Bomb (of the Bomb Shelter) tries to do 101 things in 1001 days. Come enjoy the mayhem.

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

#67. Re-read Hitchhiker's Guide

Just finished reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. That's the first book in the trilogy of five. Four books to go.

Coincidentally The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy also comes out this Friday, so one might call that good timing... or highly improbable.

Also, as for #83 (Grow a Riker-esque beard) is also going nicely... though it's taking it sweet time to fill out. Ah well, it's been a long time since I've had a full beard.

Monday, April 25, 2005

#11. 50 must see movies.

In addition to completing #12, I also made up the list of 50 movies I absolutely must see. So, now my goal is to see 25 of them in the next six months. I should be able to do that, seeing as I work at a video store.

The list, in no particular order:

Casablanca (1942), Citizen Kane (1941), Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The (1966), Usual Suspects, The (1995), Rear Window (1954), Dr. Strangelove or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb (1964), 12 Angry Men (1957), Memento (2000), Once Upon a Time in the West (1968), Goodfellas (1990), American Beauty (1999), To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), Maltese Falcon, The (1941), Hotel Rwanda (2004), Donnie Darko (2001), Great Dictator, The (1940), Princess Mononoke (1997), Ben-Hur (1959), Sideways (2004), Young Frankenstein (1974), Lost in Translation (2004), Ed Wood (1994), Almost Famous (2000), Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998), Killer, The (1989), Snatch. (2000), Twelve Monkeys (1995), Witness for the Prosecution (1957), Ikiru (1952), Unforgiven (1992), Amadeus (1984), Chinatown (1974), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), Lawrence of Arabia (1962), It’s a Wonderful Life (1946), Psycho (1960), American Graffiti (1973), Rocky (1976), Bringing Up Baby (1938), Animal House (1978), Producers, The (1968), Misery (1990), Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938), Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948), Sunset Blvd. (1950), Shakespeare in Love (1998), Saving Private Ryan (1998), Network (1976), Big Sleep, The (1946), Die Hard (1988)

Now then, I actually completed this list on Friday (I just didn't get around to posting it until today) as such I've already taken steps towards seeing at least 25 of these films:

Citizen Kane (1941)
Producers, The (1968)
Unforgiven (1992)

Three down, 22 to go.

#12. Every movie I've ever seen.

I've seen about 646 movies up to exact minute of my writing this post - I just watched the credits to Citizen Kane prior to posting this. So there I am, just about a week into this and I've already got one knocked off the list. Huzzah!

The list of movies is too huge to post here, so I'll just say it starts with *batteries not included (1987) and ends with Zoolander (2001).

It's quite an interesting jaunt down memory lane to look back on the imdb and see all those titles that'd I'd actually forgotten all about over the years. That said, I'm almost certain that there's one or two that I've missed, but I think this list is about as comprehensive as I'll ever get.

So, #12 is done. 100 more to go.

Friday, April 22, 2005

First Steps

Here's a quick update on six things I've starting taking steps towards completing soon.

11. Complete a list of the 50 movies I absolutely have to see, then see 25 of them within 6 months.
12. Complete a list of every movie I’ve ever seen.
14. Complete the World’s Largest Dungeon.
67. Re-read the “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” series by Douglas Adams.
69. Beat all the Mega Man games, 1 – 8.
83. Grow Jonathan Frakes-esque full-beard.

#12 is actually fairly close to being done, and I'll start working on #11 when I've finished it. I'm about half-way through the first "Hitchhiker" book, and I've nearly beaten Mega Man 7. Also, my beard is growing out of sheer laziness, so I've decided to just grow that Riker-esque beard now. World's Largest Dungeon will take some time, but it's ongoing.

Hopefully I'll have something crossed off by next week.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The List of 101 Things To Do In 1001 Days

Alrighty. I got this idea from my good friend Dr. Teeth. He got the idea from his friend Xeryfyn. I don't know where she got it from, but basically it all boils down to this; you make a list of 101 things to do, then try to do them in 1001 days.

So here I go.

As of midnight tonight, I will begin my quest to fulfill my list of 101 things. When I'm done, it will be January 16, 2008. Whew.

I'll update this list and page as I check things off, but the basic list is thus.

Scotty Bomb's 101 in 1001 List

1. Become an editor at the Gateway.
2. Complete a “Grand Slam” at the Gateway.
3. Have a Gateway article or comic picked up and run in another publication (i.e.: become syndicated).
4. Go on a photo-tour of Edmonton with Nita and Oreo.
5. Return to Disney World, this time with friends.
6. Cook dinner for friends.
7. Get my driver’s license (at last).
8. Go on a road trip with friends.
9. Attend a political rally.
10. Complete a list of my top 100 movies.
11. Complete a list of the 50 movies I absolutely have to see, then see 25 of them within 6 months.
12. Complete a list of every movie I’ve ever seen.
13. Collect 10 more Fighting Fantasy CYOA books.
14. Complete the World’s Largest Dungeon.
15. Complete a good Ravenloft campaign.
16. Write, direct and mount a play.
17. Spend a day in another province.
18. Visit Lougheed Alberta and the graves of my grandparents.
19. Take a 5 pound steak challenge (don’t need to win, just try it).
20. Read all the books on the all-time best horror list.
21. Watch Yojimbo, a Fist-Full of Dollars and Last Man Standing, all in a row.
22. Pay rent.
23. Complete NaNoWriMo.
24. Work out for at least 10 minutes, every day for a month.
25. Attend E3 or GenCon. (One of the hardest!)
26. Write three articles for online RPG magazines.
27. See a show in New York.
28. Watch all three extended edition LOTR movies in one sitting.
29. See a professional massage therapist.
30. Meet a celebrity in person, if possible get photographic proof.
31. Get a daisho set. (Katana and wakizashi.)
32. Lean Feng Shui, rearrange a room to maximise its chi.
33. Get an article published in a local newspaper (weekly or daily).
34. Learn to play two cords on guitar.
35. Play an MMORPG for a month.
36. Attend a Science Fiction convention.
37. Play in an L5R storyline tournament.
38. Hand-write a love letter.
39. Write and mail a concerned letter to an official (corporate or governmental).
40. Write and mail a fan letter.
41. Open my adoption record.
42. Go on a thrill ride with Nita.
43. Win a carnival prize for Nita.
44. Organise a social event for my immediate cousins, have at least 4 show up.
45. Go geocaching.
46. Buy art.
47. Write and mail a letter to an old teacher.
48. Go on a picnic in the river valley.
49. See the Edmonton opera.
50. See the Edmonton orchestra.
51. Spend one day in costume at the Animathon.
52. Buy and share an expensive bottle of wine.
53. See a U of A sporting event live.
54. Buy someone flowers for no other reason.
55. Buy someone a present for no other reason.
56. Buy a piece of furniture from a garage sale.
57. Go hiking in the mountains.
58. Learn some basic photography.
59. Get a decent camera.
60. Go fishing.
61. Make a new cocktail 1/week, for 2 months.
62. Become less white on the dance floor.
63. Find out how all my ex-girlfriends are doing. (Melissa, Jaime, Andrea, Leah, Orianna)
64. Make a short film.
65. Go ghost hunting to get over irrational fear of ghosts.
66. Read the “Game of Thrones” series by George R. R. Martin.
67. Re-read the “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” series by Douglas Adams
68. BBQ an entire meal.
69. Beat all the Mega Man games, 1 – 8.
70. Give $20 to a homeless guy.
71. Have a pig roast.
72. Do the full Edmonton Tour between May and September in one summer. (Odysseum, Galaxyland, World Waterpark, WEM, Muttart, Fort Edmonton, Provincial Museum, Valley Zoo, Edmonton Art Gallery)
73. Do the full Edmonton Festival Tour during the summer. (At least Fringe, Street Performers, Klondike Days, Heritage Festival)
74. Build a snow fort.
75. Have sex at least 4 times in one day.
76. Attempt at least 4 different positions from the Kama Sutra.
77. Frame and display a photograph I’ve taken.
78. Teach myself calligraphy.
79. Attend at least 12 plays in a year.
80. Get my own business cards.
81. Be clean-shaven for one month.
82. Shave every day for a week.
83. Grow Jonathan Frakes-esque full-beard.
84. Complete a list of my 50 favourite authors.
85. Get a book signed by one of the authors from #84.
86. Read 10 books recommended by friends, no questions asked.
87. Draw a set of Major Arcana Tarot cards.
88. Get a new credit card.
89. Wear a suit for a day for no other reason.
90. Go to a fancy “suit and tie” restaurant.
91. Don’t eat fast food for a week.
92. Bake a pie.
93. Learn to juggle 3 or more balls.
94. Learn to make at least 2 different balloon animals.
95. Sample all 30 flavours at Baskin’ Robins.
96. Win at least $10 on a scratch-and-win ticket.
97. Freelance for, or apply for a job at a major RPG publishing house.
98. Expand my movie collection to 200 DVDs.
99. Go to a firing range and shoot a handgun.
100. Get an exotic pet. Love it.
101. Expand my music collection to 100 CD’s.

Looks good. Let's do this thing.
- Scotty Bomb

Tomorrow is a new day.

Alright. This is where I will begin chronicaling my epic struggle to achieve 101 specific goals by the time 1001 days has elapsed.

For those of you unfamiliar with the bandwagon I'm umping onto, the rules are fully explained at Triplux - 101 Things To Do In 1001 Days. You can explore the rules and such there.

I intend to start the clock tonight at midnight, so hopefully this page will be ready by then, until then bear with me.

Thanks! And here goes nothing.
- Scotty Bomb